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Company Profile: 
Found in 1939, Symmons has been innovating and delivering the finest plumbing fittings for its users for commercial and residential setups. Headquartered in MA, Symmons are branched out all through the US and Canada. 

Providing high-quality kitchen and bath products for commercial and residential purposes, Symmons is one of the largest US-based premier manufacturers operating across the US and Canada. 

A Smart Choice 

The company's focus on providing long-lasting and high-quality products to its users makes Symmons a smart choice for all purposes. 


An Industry Leader 

Symmons has established itself as an industry leader by delivering continuous, unparalleled plumbing fittings for commercial and residential applications. 


Symbol of Success 

With a history of over 80 years, Symmons has continuously reinvented itself to provide customers the solutions they need.  

Creating Value 

Symmons and its team have relentlessly focused on ensuring that its products and services are valuable to its customers. 


Premier Manufacturer 

Symmons is a premier manufacturer of plumbing products that are extensively applicable in residential and commercial circuits.  

A Plumbing Revolution 

Symmons has revolutionized the plumbing industry with its innovative technologies, along with its commitment to improving the shower experience of its users.