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About NGP

Manufactures high-quality Door Hardware products.

Company Profile

Memphis Window Guard Company was founded in 1935 to help homes and other buildings guard themselves against unwanted external natural elements. Now known as NGP, it remains committed to its original values and integrity, leading the business with stewardship and conservation in mind. 

A leading manufacturer of weather-stripping, threshold products, lite kits, louvers, etc., since 1980, NGP has been serving the homes and businesses with the spirit of conservation, stewardship, and responsibility. 

Attention to Needs  

At the heart of National, Guard Products is a sense of stewardship and responsibility. We care deeply about the needs of our consumers, partners, as well as vendors.  

Go an Extra Mile 

Our company's motto is to help people feel comfortable in their houses and companies while being responsible with resources needed to heat, cool, and protect their homes.  

Environmentally Sound  

We develop strategies to decrease the consumption of resources & limit pollution. Our products and services are eco-friendly during the complete production process and the product life cycle.   

NGP Membership 

NGP is a member of various industry associations. These connections are regarded as key stakeholders for NGP as they help direct and develop sustainability initiatives. 

Loyalty & Integrity  

The National Guard Products team aims at creating loyalty by operating with integrity, honesty, and transparency in all aspects of our work and service.   

Recognize the Impact  

At National Guard Products, we protect the identity of our brand by recognizing how our choices and activities influence the lifelong success of the company.