The Advantages of Sliding Drive-Thru Windows

The appeal of a drive-thru window from both safety and business perspective has never been greater than now, courtesy of the pandemic and the increased demand for online ordering and on-the-go pickup. These windows are mainly used in the food service industry as walk-up windows for customers, drive-thrus, and even for restaurant employee-to-employee interaction. So, if you own a restaurant or a food restaurant chain, now might be the best time to consider getting a drive-thru window.

What makes drive-thru windows popular is the various advantages they bring to the business. Here are a few significant benefits of sliding windows:

Efficient and Convenient

Drive-thru windows offer an efficient way for customers to order and pick up their orders without stepping inside the restaurant. Businesses can use these windows to streamline their operations while maintaining the protocols for social distancing.

Perfect for Compact Spaces

If your restaurant has a cramped layout, sliding drive-thru windows will make an exceptional pick as they easily fit in compact spaces. Also, they give greater visibility to your business, as storefront activity draws attention and naturally advertises what you sell.

Create a Great Experience for Customers

Drive-thru windows are also an excellent pick for new restaurant businesses. They are easy to implement and eliminate the need for a dining room, staff, and decorations, enabling companies to save money and invest it to make their offerings even better.


Businesses can install more than one drive-thru window to provide multiple customer service points to support their business growth. It also helps improve the speed of service in your business, enabling you to scale up your operations quickly.

Sanitary Operations

Since the pandemic, low-contact or contactless orders have become the new normal. Having drive-thru windows in your business will help ensure better safety, which will benefit your business.

Employee-to-Employee Interaction

You might have observed in the restaurant industry that the kitchen crew drops the food at a designated area, and the servers bring it to the customer. Restaurants can incorporate drive-thrus in this designated area where the crew can drop off food to be picked up by the servers, making it more convenient and hygienic.

If you want to buy high-performance drive-thru windows for your business, DK Hardware should be your go-to place. We have a unique range of drive-thru windows from popular brands that you might want to look at. Here are some of the best options:

  1. Quikserv Self-Closing Side Sliding Transaction Window : SC-9046-CL
  2. Quikserv Self-Closing Side Sliding Transaction Window : IFSC-9183-CR
  3. CRL Satin Anodized Self-Closing Deluxe Sliding Service Windows : SCDW1801A
  4. CRL Custom Powder Painted Self-Closing Deluxe Sliding Service Windows : SCDW1801P
  5. CRL Duranodic Bronze Self-Closing Deluxe Sliding Service Windows : SCDW1803DU

DK Hardware features a wide range of drive-thru windows for your various business requirements. Click on any link on this blog to be redirected to some of the best options.

For any specific questions, feel free to reach out to us!

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