48-Hour Home Hacks, 09/21/16

48-Hour Home Hacks, 09/21/16

48-Hour Home Hacks brings you DIY projects to fit in your weekend schedule. Start your week with a boost when you complete those projects you’ve been putting on hold for a while.

6 Hacks To Avoid Weekend House Cleaning Altogether

This week, we're giving you something much more valuable than a 48-hour home hack. We're giving you a life hack. Since we're all about home improvement here at DK Hardware, that also means we're concerned with improving your quality of life.

There's one thing we all dread about getting home: cleaning. The house always seems to be a mess and we try to put off cleaning for the weekend. Then, when the weekend comes, we'd rather relax, and the house never gets cleaned. The mistake is thinking that cleaning the house is something we do every week or two weeks, when it really should be something we do every day. Hold on. I know this sounds terrible, but it's actually the solution you're looking for. If you clean your house a little bit every day, then forget about wasting your Sundays on cleaning.

Here are 6 habits you can attain to become the owner of an ever-clean household. It will be difficult at the beginning because we're already used to our current habits but once you try these everyday hacks you'll never go back to your old ways.

1. Make the Bed

Making your bed is the hardest habit to maintain. When you think about doing it, you'd rather keep sleeping or get a head start on your day. However, making your bed will instantly make your room look cleaner. Remember how upsetting it is when you're leaving your room and look back to a mess? I promise that a made bed will change your perception completely.

2. Clean Up Right After Dinner

Let's take it even further. Clean as you cook. Although my dad always said not to do anything else when you're cooking, if you're waiting for something that's in the oven or in a pot, you can wash what you used while cooking. After dinner, never leave the dishes for the next day. Rinse them and put them in the dishwasher. Then, wipe clean all kitchen surfaces and use a handheld vacuum to pick up any stray crumbs that fell while cooking.

3. Do One Load of Laundry

Laundry piles up week after week and it seems that no matter what you do you'll never finish washing everything. Keep on top of laundry by washing a manageable load every day. This means you shouldn't wash your whole hamper in one day; wash white clothes one day, dark clothes the next day, and so on. By following this hack, don't be surprised if one day you don't find anything in your hamper.

4. Clean the Bathroom Regularly

Cleaning your bathroom every day doesn't sound very efficient, I know. What I mean is you should regularly clean areas of your bathroom so you never have to do a general bathroom cleaning ever again. You should always wipe surfaces if something falls on them. Then, one day you can take a cloth and bathroom cleaner with you in the shower and wipe down the walls, faucet, and tub/shower floor. Another day you can brush the toilet with bathroom cleaner and wipe the lid and other toilet surfaces with disinfecting wipes. The point is doing something small every day to keep the bathroom constantly clean.

5. Pick Up as You Go

The worst thing you can do is not put things in their place after using them. This is guaranteed to keep your house messy. As you move through the house, take stray items and put them in their place. Take a book from the dinner table and put it in its shelf. Put your shoes in the closet when you take them off. Put that jacket you left on top of your bed in its place. Doing simple things like these take seconds and will leave your house looking much cleaner.

6. Check One Item Off Your To-Do List

The best part about to-do lists is that every time you check off an item it makes you feel accomplished. It's a great confidence boost that can help you tackle the other tasks in your life. By tackling one item on your list every day, you won't have much cleaning to do on the weekend. If you sacrifice a little bit of time every day to keep your house clean, then you won't have to sacrifice a day or two to do it. More time to relax and enjoy life.

If you have any housekeeping hacks of your own, don't hesitate to share them with your fellow readers in a comment below.